
Impress Cosmetic Medicine offers a comprehensive range of medical aesthetic services.
A common question from new patients is ‘what do I need?’
Whilst this question appears simple, it is actually a complex one. A person may not like their redness, pigmentation or lines, but often won’t know what the best treatment is to enable them to reach their goal.
At Impress Cosmetic Medicine, we provide a comprehensive consultation during which your concerns are explored and the various treatment options are discussed. You are given the opportunity to ask as many questions as you like before a Treatment Plan is developed, in partnership with you. The Treatment Plan may be a simple anti-wrinkle treatment or it could be a detailed 12 month plan involving multiple treatment modalities.
The treatment plan will prioritise your concerns and systematically address them whether it be lines and wrinkles, skin quality, redness or pigmentation.
The treatments we offer are:
Anti-Wrinkle treatments - We offer a range of treatment options that can improve the appearance of wrinkles and lines.
Bio-Stimulation – We offer a range of treatments that can stimulate collagen and elastin production in the skin.
Broadband Light (BBL) this is a form of intense pulsed light that effectively treats skin redness, sunspots and pigmentation on the face and body. It can also improve the quality of skin and reduce pore size and some wrinkles. BBL does not involve needles, does not require anaesthetic and has little or no ‘downtime’.
Nd:YAG Laser – our Nd:YAG long pulse laser treats redness, spider veins and small veins on the face and body. It is the ideal treatment for deeper or stubborn vessels that persist after other treatments.
Fractionated Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling RF Microneedling is used to improve skin quality, stimulate collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and treat scars, including acne scars. This treatment can be performed with or without topical local anaesthetic depending on how aggressive the treatment is. The intensity of the treatment will also determine whether there is any ‘downtime’ or not.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) HIFU focuses ultrasound waves to pre-determined depths under the skin in order to achieve skin tightening, wrinkle reduction with or without localised fat reduction. Our HIFU is fast and painless and there is no downtime. We specialise in treatments of ‘double chins’ and jawline definition using HIFU often in combination with other collagen stimulating treatments such as RF or Bioremodelling.
Skincare Our preferred skincare product is UniverSkin, from France. This skincare range allows us to formulate specific, therapeutic skincare targeting your particular needs. It is mixed freshly on-site when it is prescribed and in our opinion is the ultimate skincare range.